2D to 3D
Step into the modern world with 3D CAD models of your 2D prints.
In today's fast paced world don't be left behind by your competition.
2D prints may have served you well in the past but 3D models serve as the basis for the future.
A full 3D model library of all your products provides the following benefits:
We convert paper prints to common interchangeable 3D formats such as
IGS, STEP 213/214, and Parasolid.
As well as mesh formats including STL and OBJ.
We also provide proprietary formats such as SolidWorks, ProE/Creo , Catia, and AutoCAD
We have more than two decades of experience in file/format conversion.
Secure servers are used to transfer your proprietary information.
All files are maintained in discreet segregation per customer.
For more information please contact us