Miles per gallon performance is critical to your success today,
more so than ever before!


Measuring MPG and accounting for the variables that impact MPG performance is a very complex subject.

Consider the TMC recommendation that for every ten degrees difference in temperature, there is a two percent change in MPG. This due to air density and the energy required to push aside denser air. The recommendation on driver variations is that there is a 30% difference between your best and worst drivers.

Have new tires been put on the vehicle lately?
The perception is that new tires lower MPG .
The data shows that until they are broken in, new is not better.

Accounting for these variables (among many others including route and vehicle load),
defines and refines your fleet's performance to a greater degree.
If you don't account for the key performance variables,
you cannot possibly see the impact of changes made to the fleet's operation.



Using advanced data-mining techniques we reveal a wealth of information
that may not be apparent at first glance about your fleet's performance.

This information includes actual performance of vehicle types as compared to each other,
driver performance indvdually and among the companies population of drivers,
and may be used for other items you may want to evaluate or compare, such as:

  • lubricants
  • additives
  • tires
  • double wide tires
  • composite springs
  • aerodynamic aids

From this baseline of MPG performance, you can see the impact of any item. If you wish to simply compare the before and after results when you change any one of the variables.



This service is performed on a monthly schedule.
You simply provide daily fuel, odometer and/or hour meter along with driver ID and vehicle load.
We provide you with a highly accurate model of every vehicle's performance on road or off.




For more information please contact us