print Spare Parts, Memorabilia, Action Figures, Jewelry . . .
in your own home (3D Printer Required)
Consider the following scenerios;
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A knob breaks on your favorite appliance
You contact the manufacturer only to find that the part is no longer available
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You as an artist create a figurine
If only you had a way to mass produce these without molds
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You are an inventor,
you have an idea for a new kitchen utensil,
you contact a manufacturing firm
only to find that the cost of manufacturing one part is prohibitively expensive
What do these scenarios have in common?
They all can be accomplished with 3D-Printing
But in order to go from an idea or a blue-print to an physical object
the 3D printer requires a file to 'describe' the object's shape and size.
That is where we, Efficiency Analysis Systems, fit into the process.
With our extensive knowledge and experience in engineering and manufacturing
we create STL or OBJ files from your blue-prints or object.
Additional uses and benefits for 3D Printing:
For more information please contact us